I began writing this blog by accident...stumbling across Blogger one night in the empty hours between midnight and morning. As the month has passed, I've come to realize that this could actually be a good thing to continue. I remember reading recently in ArtForum's "Scene and Herd" a bit about how nobody ever talks about art in Los Angeles. I think the reason for this is both obvious and unfortunate. I believe that artists should write..we shouldn't be fearful of our beliefs and convictions...we shouldn't hedge our bets by hiding in mute safety. That being said, it is not my intention to judge, critique or complain. This is a project that allows me to organize my own thoughts and clarify the avenues of connectivity that inform my process. I'm not interested in writing a history or enforcing some sort of Procrustean worldview of my own design. Nor is this blog an attempt to demonstrate my own status within a picture gallery of the social scene. I'm not interested in creating "alliances" based on the specious notion that there is some sort of Manichean ideological struggle now brewing in the art world. On the contrary, embedded in this project is an abnegation of the shallow spectacle of narrative. There are only subjective values and interests..it is up to the individual to navigate their own inquiry and mount their own interpretive struggles. I'm motivated by the desire to explore these interests and create meaning by connecting them to the tiny plot of land that my own artistic identity now occupies.
"Herein, perhaps, lies the secret: to bring into existence and not to judge. If it is so disgusting to judge, it is not because everything is of equal value, but on the contrary because what has value can be made or distinguished only by defying judgment. What expert judgment, in art, could ever bear on the work to come?" Deleuze
Why Write ?
1:01 PM