Gerald Davis
Gerald Davis
Bullshit seems to fly pretty far in the Art World for some reason. Which is why I like Gerald Davis...its hard to say that this is anything but excellent painting. I remember one night in Chinatown a few years back enthusiatically telling Gerald that his brushwork was "genius". Although I might've been somewhat tanked at the time, this judgment holds up well under the unforgiving and sober light of day. Aside from the technical fluency, the work has the uncanny ability to draw the viewer not only into the strange narrative being suggested, but also into a Proustian re-discovery of the dusty cobwebs of one's own adolescence. And maybe why this is why the work seems "dark", because all memories are bittersweet and untrustworthy...because they might as well be fictional...and because we experience them from the end of a tunnel, with the tragic knowledge of everything that has transpired in between "then" and "now".
Gerald Davis
3:55 PM