There are 2 "Krishnamurti's"..U.G and Jiddu. U.G. is the flipside of Jiddu, and pretty much reminds me of Schopenhauer. He's extremely critical of Jiddu's belief that consciousness can be mutated and that human beings are capable of altering society into a better system. The thing to do is accept the limitations of the limitations of mortality. I wonder if this is a more accurate, if seemingly darker, understanding of the human animal. If you do not see death as a collapse or tragic loss..then you can take the good with the bad. Society must be violent in order to continue. Conflict is a "necessary" evil. The problem is that dogmatists will apply and misrepresent this seemingly realist approach in order to justify all sorts of self serving systems such as Objectivism or even the politics of American Neo-Conservatives. If it remains purely theoretical and bereft of praxis I think it works just fine..but what good is a theory that cannot be applied?
U.G. Krishnamurti- The Anti-Guru
2:21 PM